Tagged an experiment in Art, symbolism, and bio-diversity

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Several interesting comments I have received about the symbolism of each mark on the tagged trees

Currently selections of the Tagged series are on view in the Mosley Gallery on the campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.  I placed a notebook with the images and asked viewers to comment on the image and the painted mark on each tree.  Along with each work, the bio-diversity questions are located with the titles and individuals have answered the questions.  Today I have put together a survey of some responses.  I have found the comments of one particular individual to be most intriguing.  It really speaks to the reason for the images and this blog.

The two images presented had a profound effect on this individual.
In our discussion she let me know she was from the continent of Africa and that wrapping any kind of red material or painting the a tree with red had spiritual significance.

"A tree tie in red signified danger.  The people in Nigeria believe that it is spiritual.  Women are not allowed to touch it. When you do that, something strange can happen to you.  They also believe on a tree that is cut a fluid like blood is coming out of it.  It is regarded as evil tree.  The tree is not found in the city, it is found in the  forest, Cevil forest.  Women seeing their monthly discharge do not come close or touch any red tied tree, it can seize the monthly period, if you do come to close you must go the chief priest with cola nut and gin to be cleansed."
Her words are so important, they express just how simple marks become universal, true symbols deeply embedded into many cultures.
It makes me wonder how many different meanings the marks could possibly have.  I welcome your comments.

1 comment:

  1. trees have been a part of spiritual communities for a very long time. think of the Druids
